PODCAST INTERVIEW: Crafting Precision: Morten Valeur and the Evolution of Ahrex Hooks


Embark on a journey through the world of fly fishing with host Marvin Cash as he welcomes Morten Valeur, co-founder of Ahrex Hooks, to The Articulate Fly. In this episode, they delve into the Scandinavian approach to fishing, the artistry of fly tying and the science behind hook design.

Morten, hailing from Denmark, recounts his earliest fishing memories by a small pond, setting the stage for a life-long passion. He shares his transition from spinning gear to fly fishing and the influence of American fishing literature on his development as an angler.

The conversation takes a turn towards the business side of things as Morten discusses the inception of Ahrex Hooks, the challenges of keeping stock during the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of listening to the fishing community to perfect hook designs.

Listeners will gain insight into the collaborations with fly fishing legends like Bob Popovics and Bob Clouser, understanding the nuances of hook features and the future of Ahrex Hooks, including an exciting teaser about an upcoming project with Blane Chocklett.

Marvin and Morten also touch upon the value of real-life connections in the fly fishing industry, despite the digital age's convenience. Tune in for an episode filled with wisdom, nostalgia and the shared love for the sport that binds us all.

Tight lines and inspired tying await you in this episode of The Articulate Fly!

Check Out the Transcript

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Helpful Episode Chapters

0:00 Introduction

1:02 Early Fishing Memories

7:05 Mentors in Fly Fishing

9:09 Scandinavian Fishing Culture

12:53 Starting Fly Tying

15:13 Favorite Flies to Tie

24:36 Birth of Ahrex Hooks

38:19 Understanding the Importance of Hooks in Fly Fishing

43:22 Design Process for New Fly Hooks

48:19 Evolution of Hook Design at Ahrex